Attention to Details

So I am watching ESPN last night...I believe it was the end of a college basketball game and during the break I am interrupted by a commercial advertising their software that will help you speed up your PC...that's right it only works on PC's. So what do they show during the first 5-10 seconds and the last 5 seconds of the guessed it, a young guy talking about the product as he is working on his iMac, yes iMac...the product isn't compatible with Apple's hardware and/or software...what is the agency who put produced these ads thinking? Or maybe Ascentive created them in-house and were just too dumb to realize what they were doing?
Ascentive does have a product for Mac's but it is not mentioned in the spot and they have specific overlays saying the product they are promoting will only work with PC's. Sloppy...
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