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    Cisco Fatty and A Case Study for Twitter Search

    So this young girl decides to use Twitter yesterday to tell her followers that she has received a job offer from Cisco and in her words..."Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work." A certain Tim Levald, Cisco's Community Development Strategist, saw the Tweet...I am assuming he was using Twitter to monitor the realtime conversations involving the company...and responded, "Who is the hiring manager. I'm sure they would love to know you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the web." 

    In less than 24 hours a girl who was contemplating a job offer in these tough times no longer has an offer and is being publicly ridiculed on the internet. People used to warn about sending questionable emails...Twitter can get you in trouble much faster than email and make you the butt end of jokes for a couple of days. Maybe we can start using the phrase "24 hours of fame" along with "Cisco Fatty"!


    Fashion Sense

    @allplaidout gives the boys over at Apple a little advice on their choice of fashion for the big Iphone 3.0 event yesterday. Here they are taking questions from those in attendance.


    Read the whole article at all plaidout.


    Twitter's Birth...

    ...interesting read by Dom Sagolla.

    How Twitter was Born


    Still Think Twitter is a Joke?

    Erick Schonfeld wrote yesterday about Mahalo Ceo Jason Calacanis' offer to pay Twitter $250,000 over the course of the next two years to be included on the top twenty suggested list of people to follow on Twitter. The list of 100 suggested users is presented to new users after they sign up for a Twitter account. Calacanis thinks being on the top twenty will be worth as much as a Super Bowl ad in five years. See the entire article at TechCrunch.


    If I Only Had A Vespa...

    I love the new line of helmets being made by the 175 year old Italian hat company Borsalino...